Academic Extension

Primary Extension and Challenge (PEAC)

Talented and gifted students in Years 5 and 6 have the opportunity to participate in the Department of Education's Primary Extension and Challenge (PEAC) program.

The PEAC program provides part-time supplementary academic extension programs for students who have been identified for participation through state-wide testing in Year 4. Students then participate in online and face to face programs run by PEAC teachers highly experienced in teaching gifted and talented children.

PEAC programs encourage:

  • social interaction with other gifted and talented children;
  • intellectual rigor and challenges;
  • interaction with practising experts;
  • development of higher order process skills and in-depth investigation skills;
  • open-ended activities which encourage choice and negotiation; and
  • self/peer evaluation and reflection of performance.

Students from Maylands Peninsula Primary School are regularly selected to participate in the PEAC program. Further information can be found on the North Metro Education Region PEAC page.

Early Years Extension (EYE)

The PEAC service also provides a short extension program for children in Years 1-3 who perform exceptionally well in the Pre-primary On-Entry assessment and/or through teacher nomination.  This program is called the Early Years Extension program (EYE). Similar to the PEAC program for our older students, the EYE program offers academic extension and challenge for our youngest students. The teaching program is built on the Philosophy for Children approach which has evolved from the work of Dr Matthew Lipman.

The EYE teaching program has been designed to ensure that it is:

  • supplementary to school provision;
  • rigorous in content and application;
  • continuously monitored and evaluated; and
  • aligned to the skills, strengths and needs of the students.

Further information is available about the EYE program.
