Kindergarten 2024

Welcome to Maylands Peninsula Primary School Kindergarten.

The information below is specifically for Kindergarten parents and the operation of Kindy classes in 2024.

Please also read about the general operation of the school in Parent Information

Welcome to Maylands Peninsula Primary School Kindergarten

We hope that this information can answer any queries you may have, and outline some of the policies and procedures at our Kindy.

Our program is designed to cater for the development of the whole child, which includes the social, emotional, physical, intellectual and creative developmental areas. These developmental areas are taught through a variety of themes to develop skills, attitudes and values. Themes enable learning to be more meaningful to children and each program is centred on play, which is essential to children's learning. Activities are set up in a way which encourage children to become independent.

Language is the key to all learning. All children will be encouraged to talk to each other, staff, parents/caregivers and visitors, and will also be encouraged to express their feelings and needs. Stories every day at home and school provide a range of experiences to extend language skills as well as promoting and developing listening skills. While shopping or in the car it is often helpful to talk about signs and numbers in the environment, the time, days of the week etc. Encouragement should always be given to children attempting to read and write. They don't have to get it right; we just want them to have a go when they are ready.

We employ Diana Rigg's Pre-Literacy Program as part of Whole School Literacy Plan to facilitate language growth.

Transition to Kindy

Midvale Hub Parenting Service is offering an online workshop for all parents/caregivers of children starting Kindy in 2024.

The session will explore:

  • school readiness
  • routines
  • lunches
  • toilet learning
  • and other useful information to prepare your child.

7.30pm - 9.00pm TBA

Online platform delivery - must have a laptop or tablet, preferably with camera.

Check back here next week for how to register or contact Midvale Hub Parenting Service 9290 6827 or email

Kindy Days

Each Kindy student attends 5 days per fortnight. Two days one week and three days the alternating week. Each term has 10 weeks with 2 weeks holiday in between.

Kindy A, and Kindy E
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday (odd weeks).
Monday and Thursday (even weeks).

Kindy B, and Kindy D
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday (even weeks).
Tuesday and Friday (odd weeks).

More detailed information about term dates is in Parent Information

Kindy Bell Times

Arrival Time

Parent interaction in classroom
8.45 - 9.00am

Parents leave
9.00am (at class signal)

End of day
2.50pm (except Tuesday)

Tuesday end of day
2.25pm due to early close for staff meetings


"Connect" is the primary means of communication between the school and parents/caregivers. Connect is a learning, support and communications platform developed by the Department of Education WA for use in public schools. It is secure and is available via the Connect Now app and Connect website.

It is required that all  parents/caregivers receive and read their Connect notices on the Connect Now app. Notifications can be received on any smart device and parents/caregivers will also receive an email when a notice is posted.

The MPPS Parent Space on Connect has all the latest information including school updates, P&C news, and other important news.

Connect is also used by some class teachers to stay in contact with parents/caregivers.

Student Reports are available on Connect and Connect Now.

Your login for Connect will be a 'P Number' and password. Each parent/caregiver will receive an email by the end of Week 1 of Term 1 to register you for Connect.

Please download the Connect Now app to look at all notices and school communication and access student reports.



Qkr! app is the preferred method for parents/caregivers to provide consent and payment for all school activities including excursions, camp, incursions, swimming and Edu-dance.

The P&C also use Qkr as their only way to place canteen and uniform shop orders or buy raffle tickets and donate to fundraising events.

Qkr payments are charged to your credit or debit card. Every student needs at least one parent/caregiver to download and use the Qkr app. Help us be a cashless school and reduce our paper by using Qkr.

Please download Qkr and use the Parent help card to setup Qkr or visit the school Administration.


Payment Options

Personal Items Lists

MPPS use Campion as our Personal Items lists supplier.

Use code 'QBFG' to access Maylands Peninsula PS booklists  Campion

Parents/Caregivers are able to purchase personal items from any supplier, however the items listed are the quality and type preferred to be used in the classroom. Most Kindy personal items such as pencils, crayons, glue sticks are shared, they do not need to be individually named.


Please do not bring students to school if they are unwell with colds, viruses and illnesses as they can spread quickly. Even if your child really wants to come to Kindy, please keep them at home until they are well.

Attendance of all enrolled students, including those in Kindergarten, is compulsory. It is expected that all students attend a minimum of 90% of the school year. At Maylands Peninsula Primary School, we strive for a target of 96%. In order to achieve this, we encourage parents to:

  • carefully plan holidays to avoid clashes with school term dates;
  • ensure punctuality as lateness is recorded; and
  • schedule appointments outside of school hours where possible.

Did you realise that if your child has one absence every week over 7 years of compulsory schooling, it is the equivalent to over a year of school being missed!


All absences require written or verbal confirmation from parent to teacher. If your child is absent from school, we request you send an SMS to 0408 947 235 as early as possible and leave a message stating:

  • Your child's name
  • Room number and;
  • Reason for absence.

Alternatively, you may use the online form or email your child's teacher or the school with details of their absence.


Late arrivals

Parents and students must go to Administration if arriving after 8.45am to collect a late pass that students give to their class teacher

Early Departures

Parents/Caregivers must sign out students at Administration if departing before 3.00pm (or 2.30pm on Tuesday). You will be given a sticker to take to the class teacher. A teacher can not release the child without the printed sticker.

Birthday Cupcakes

We acknowledge that students may wish to celebrate their birthday at school. If parents/caregivers choose to provide a celebratory cake, a small cup cake for each child can be brought in on your child's birthday. Please be mindful of allergies, and discuss this with your child's teacher first.

Change of Clothes

Please supply a full change of clothes (including underwear and socks) in a plastic bag with your child's name clearly marked on each item. This is to stay in your child's school bag at all times. There may be occasions when children spill water on themselves during play or are so busy playing they don't make it to the toilet in time. It is a good idea to check the bag daily in case we have forgotten to mention any little accidents to you.

Please clearly label all articles of clothing for easy identification and ensure you cater for the change of seasons with the clothes you provide.


To contact your child's Kindergarten class, please phone the classroom directly.

Kindy A & Kindy B 
9462 6709

Kindy D & Kindy E
9462 6710

School Office
9462 6700

If you wish to make a mutually convenient time to meet with your child's teacher, please call or email them. Email address are available Our Staff

Contributions & Charges

Financial support by parents/caregivers has always played a significant role in providing resources that extend the schools capacity to add value to the learning experiences of students. The continuing partnership between schools are parents is vital to ensuring that all students receive a level of education sufficient to carry them forward in today's society.

Contributions are voluntary; however the quality of our teaching and learning programs will be maximised when each family makes a contribution to supplement funding gained from other sources, including the State and Commonwealth Governments. Contributions collected at Maylands Peninsula Primary School contribute to items including resources to support student activities, photocopied materials for Teaching and Learning programs, reading books, Library resources, Physical Education resources and Learning Area resources.


Payment can be made at any time through the year on Qkr.


The style of handwriting your child will be learning at Kindergarten and primary school is NSW Foundation Font. We would like you to familiarise yourself with this style of writing and try to use it when writing your child's name.

We ask that you only use a capital for the first letter of your child's name. eg Paul not PAUL

Handwriting Font Pencil Grip

Healthy Eating

Our classrooms support healthy eating and drinking practices in accordance with the Education Department's Healthy Food and Drink Policy.

We support healthy eating for strong bones and teeth, and request that parents/caregivers do not send chips, lollies, chocolates, donuts, cakes or other sugary foods to school. A sandwich, a piece of fruit and a bottle of water is recommended. We are not able to reheat your child's lunch due to OSH requirements.

Children should also bring a separate piece of fruit/vegetable each day to eat at snack time. Please send your child's cut up snack time fruit in a separate container – clearly labelled with their name. Students will bring this small container into class each day.

Healthy Lunchboxes

Maylands Peninsula Primary School encourages healthy lunchboxes and the Crunch & Sip program


Our aim is to develop each child's independence at school. With this in mind, you can encourage your child to engage in independent self-help skills such as toileting, packing away toys, dressing - including shoes and socks - and allowing the use of scissors and pencils with adult supervision.

Location & Map

The school is located at 60 Kelvin Street, Maylands WA 6051 with visitor parking available on Kelvin Street or the carpark adjacent Gibbney Reserve off Ferguson Street.

The Kindergarten is at the Eastern end of the school closest to Queen Street. Most Kindy parents find it easiest to park along Queen Street and enter the school past the playgrounds. Parking and entry is also available from Kelvin Street near Susan Street.

School Map Google Maps Aerial Map

No Hat - No Play

At Kindy, we support the school's 'No Hat - No Play' policy. Students are required to wear a hat during Summer, Autumn and Spring when engaged in outdoor activities.  Please ensure your child's hat is CLEARLY LABELLED with his/her first name.

Nothing in my bag today

Your child will not always have something to bring home from Kindergarten. This does not mean that he/she is not participating in activities; it merely means that either a work of art is still drying or what your child made could not be brought home.

Even when children say they did not do anything at school, they have still been very busy. Some of your child's work may be kept at school to be displayed around the room or placed in a work portfolio. This portfolio will provide you with a permanent record of your child's achievements at Kindergarten.

Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)

The following providers provide out of school hours care for our students. Please contact them directly to arrange before and after school care for your child:

Maylands Out of School Care  
5 Richard Street, Maylands 0455 661 337 or email

KidsCare Out of School Care
88 Sussex St, Maylands  0401 825 041 or 9271 8088 or email

P&C (Parents & Citizens Association)

The Parents & Citizens Association (P&C) is responsible for some crucial tasks of our school including running the canteen, uniform shop and fundraising activities. New parents/caregivers are welcome to join the P&C or volunteer at any time.

What the P&C do

Parent Information

For complete information about school operations for all MPPS parent / caregivers, please visit Parent Information

Parent Helpers

We (parents/caregivers, teachers and children) are all active participants in your child's learning journey, so we encourage you to be part of our classroom when you can. We hope to provide a warm, friendly environment to enable your child to develop confidence and positive self-esteem.

We love to have parents/caregivers, grandparents, aunties and uncles help with cooking, cleaning, reading stories or just spending special time with the children. We also appreciate adults with special skills coming in.

Parent rosters will not commence until late in Term 1 (a roster will be placed on the noticeboard inside each Kindy). For safety reasons, siblings are not allowed to attend Kindy while parents/caregivers are on roster and only one adult can attend each day.  If you are a parent/caregiver helper, please complete the Volunteer Declaration Form then sign in at the office and get a visitor's badge before coming to help in the class.

School Health Services

School Health Services provide an array of information for parents to read including:

Ten top tips for a great start to school

 Health information for parents and carers with children starting school.

Please do not bring students to school if they are unwell with colds, viruses and illnesses as they can spread quickly. Even if your child really wants to come to Kindy, please keep them at home until they are well.

Please contact the school to advise if they are sick by SMS 0408 947 235 or complete the absentee form

If your child becomes unwell while at Kindy, every effort will be made to contact you or the emergency contact that you have nominated for your child. Please ensure all emergency details are updated, including mobile phone numbers.

Toilet training a practical guide

Toilet training in pictures

Good Nutrition

Food for Kids

Communicable Diseases

Please follow these basic guidelines and Check Communicable disease guidelines about how long you need to keep your child at home.

  • Students should stay at home in the early stages of illness as they are likely to be more infectious and transmit the virus/bacteria to others, via coughing, sneezing and, contaminating surfaces that others touch.
  • students should remain absent until they are symptom free if they have a cold or flu; and for at least 24 hours if they have had gastroenteritis (vomiting and/or diarrhoea).
  • parents to seek medical advice if their child has ongoing symptoms of illness.

Student Drop Off

To avoid any mishaps, children and siblings may not play on outdoor equipment while waiting for class to start at the beginning of the day. In addition, parents/caregivers must remain with their child(ren) and wait until the door has been opened before bringing children into class in the mornings. Please do not leave your child unattended outside the classroom or in the playground.

Classroom doors open at 8.45am and the first 15 minutes of the day are provided for you to quickly discuss any general concerns with your child's teacher and to settle your child by reading a story or completing a jigsaw puzzle before you leave.

If a more involved conversation is required with your child's teacher, this is best done at the end of the day or at another mutually convenient time.

Student Pick Up

It is requested that you are prompt when dropping off and picking up your child. Children become worried and anxious when their parents/caregivers are not there promptly at pick up time.

Parents/caregivers must come to the Kindy door when picking up or delivering children to the class. Children will not be allowed to leave with an unknown person or with older siblings at the school without prior written notification from parents/caregivers. Please communicate with your child's teacher about who is able to collect your child.

Furthermore, if you wish to collect your child at any other time during the day, we ask you to visit the school office first and obtain a 'Sign Out' sticker before coming to the room. We are unable to release students – even to their parents/caregivers – without this 'Sign Out' sticker, as per Department Policy.

Trash & Treasure

Your trash could be our treasure! We would love to receive:

  • containers including yoghurt and ice cream with/without lids,
  • boxes of all shapes and sizes including cereal boxes,
  • craft wood, off-cuts and soft timber,
  • buttons, fabric, lace, ribbon, cotton reels, wrapping paper and wool,
  • spray can tops, cardboard tubes,
  • bottle tops, corks, tree nuts and old jewellery,
  • old nuts and bolts,
  • recycled greeting cards,
  • milk bottle tops and rings,
  • washed meat trays, and
  • anything you think could be of use to us at Kindy

Please remember to think of us when you are Spring cleaning through your children's toys this year, and in years to come. We are always grateful for donations to our classrooms.


We have uniforms in stock, and they are available to try on to determine the correct size before purchasing.

Some second hand stock is available from the Uniform shop and we encourage parents/caregivers to donate shirts in good condition once their child has outgrown it.

If you are unable to source a MPPS uniform shirt, students are able to wear plain pale blue polo shirts available at stores such as Best & Less, Target, Big W and Kmart.


What to bring to Kindy

Please send your child in easy to wash, comfortable clothes; we recommend school uniforms. PLEASE CLEARLY LABEL ALL JUMPERS, JACKETS, HATS, BAGS, DRINK BOTTLES AND LUNCH BOXES.  While every effort will be made to protect your child's clothing, it is inevitable at some stage that paint stains may occur. Just soak in cold water before washing.

Please provide your child with shoes that are easy to put on and take off. Sneakers with Velcro are ideal, as shoelaces are difficult for children to tie independently. Crocs and thongs are not suitable for climbing and are not to be worn to school.  Long hair should be tied up for safety and cleanliness.

A small 30cm cushion is required for rest time.

Your child will need a suitable backpack to bring items to and from school.  Toys will not be permitted at Kindy, unless they are special news i.e. a birthday present.

School Partnerships

Department of Education

Midvale Hub

Triple P Parenting Program


If you have any feedback about the website or information you would like included, please email

Parent Information includes important information about the operation of the school for all parents/caregivers.



Kindergarten at MPPS